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Welcome to M&P INSPECTION - Full Service Quality Management

(810) 531-4160

Our Services

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Outstanding Quality Inspection Services Provided:

  • General Quality Services
    • Thermal Infrared Testing
  • Specific to Natural Gas Pipelines
    • PAUT Corrosion mapping

M&P Inspection proudly employs Velocity Trained inspectors.

General Quality Services

Specific to Natural Gas Pipelines

Specific to Power Generation

•  Total Quality Management System (QMS)

•  Project Quality Plans / Quality Planning

•  Sub‐supplier audits or inspections

•  Receipt inspection

•  Material inspection

•  Material storage and control

•  Material ordering and expediting

•  Welding inspection and quality control

•  Welder qualification testing and record-


•  Welding procedures consultation

•  Hydrostatic test validation (N2, Water, Air)

•  Construction safety monitoring

•  Quality record retention

•  Quality Program Training

•  Coordinate Project Corrective Action Program

•  Coordinate Project Continual Improvement


•  Coordinate laboratory / testing services

•  Ensure Regulatory compliance


•  Pipe Mill audit and surveillance inspection

•  Pipeline transport warranty surveys

•  Pipe coating inspection

•  Pipe ovality inspection

•  Pipeline installation inspections

•  Pipeline route evaluation and consultation

•  Pipeline route inspection

•  Conventional and directional drilled crossing


•  Environmental inspections

•  Liaison for landowner issues

•  Witness, monitor non-destructive testing


•  Pipeline Integrity Management (ASME B31.8S)

•  Pipeline Risk Assessment

•  Pipeline Risk-Based Inspection

•  Intelligent Pigging

•  Meter Calibration / Validation

•  Design Reviews and Feasibility Analysis



•  Inspection Planning

•  Mechanical Integrity Management

•  Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams

•  High Pressure Steam Piping Inspection/NDT

•  Outage

•  Planning

•  Inspection

•  Nondestructive Testing

•  Vendor Surveillance

•  Boiler Inspection

•  General Maintenance Inspection/NDT

•  ASME Welding Procedure Development/


•  ASME Welder Qualification


Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing

Your Safe Alternative To Radiography

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) is a code approved alternative to Radiography (RT). Approved for use in lieu of RT in API, ASME, AWS, ASTM codes, PAUT  is a safe, accurate and reliable NDT solution for all.


The technology enabling PAUT was discovered in 1801. Constructive wave phasing, made possible by the use of multiple elements in a single probe, allows for greater energy penetration and imaging than conventional ultrasonics.


Versus Radiography, PAUT offers many benefits. Safety and production are the greatest benefits enjoyed by users. PAUT generates no ionizing radiation and  therefore no production halts while NDT is performed. RT operations require large areas to be quarantined for safety and production cannot move forward. PAUT   operations are safe to gather data in real time during production with no delays or concerns for radiation safety.


PAUT also brings unmatched speed to the job site or production floor. A 24” x .500” pipe weld can be scanned and interpreted in under two (2) minutes using PAUT. That same weld will take 12 minutes of “shot time” and another 20 minutes of chemical processing before it can be interpreted using RT.


Engineers Critical Assessment Criteria (ECA) can be used when inspection is  performed with PAUT. This alternate acceptance criteria allows PAUT to be used to achieve the full benefit of this technology. With ECA criteria, repair rates are minimized. An indication rejected by RT at 1” in length can be multi-dimension sized with PAUT and could be allowed to remain with a length of over 5”. This effectively speeds production while protecting the material from unnecessary heat input and stress.


Another benefit of PAUT is the cost savings. Lower hourly/daily rates coupled with production savings and reduced repair rates make PAUT 25% more cost effective than RT on average.  PAUT is a better solution for your production, your material, and your bottom line.


PAUT Code Acceptance


  •  API (American Petroleum Institute)
  •  ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
  •  AWS (American Welding Society)
  •  ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials
  •  PHMSA (Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
  •  FHWA (Federal Highway Administration
  •  NESCC (Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative
  •  ANSI (American National Standards Institute
  •  ASNT (American Society for Non-Destructive Testing
  •  DOT (Department of Transportation)

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Sample PAUT Images

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    time, every time.

*  M&P Inspection proudly employs Velocity

    Trained inspectors

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Website Design & Hosting By:  Terrasi Media Group, Inc.  (239)  677-8752

  • API (American Petroleum Institute)
  • ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)